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All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

2 Timothy 3:16

Christ Follower Biblical Counseling

The word psychology literally means “the study of the soul.” However, psychology could not live up to such a meaning after changing its course towards the rigid secular tunnel vision of behavioral science. It became a science that could not strongly support and advocate for goodness and it has refused to identify anything as evil. This left some areas of psychology only suited for the secular part society.


True soul-study cannot be done by unbelievers. After all, only Christ Followers have the resources for comprehending the nature of the human soul and understanding how it can be transformed. The secular discipline of psychology is based on godless assumption and evolutionary foundation and is capable of dealing with people only superficially and only on the temporal level.


Therefore, it should be clear that perfect victory over all life’s troubles must be the result of being like Christ. Scripture is the only reliable manual for true soul-study. It is so comprehensive in the diagnosis and treatment of every spiritual matter that, energized by the Holy Spirit in the believer, it leads to making one like Jesus Christ.


God’s Word should be our counseling authority. Resources we have in Christ are not only sufficient for handling and solving all of the personal and interpersonal problems of life but are superior to the resources that are found in the world. Christ followers more than benefit from thinking biblically about all counseling related issues. Therefore, we desire to understand people and their problems through the lens of scripture. With this in mind, counseling methods must be consistent with theoretical convictions because God’s wisdom is vastly superior to human wisdom. No higher knowledge, no hidden truth, nothing besides the all-sufficient resources that we find in Christ exists that can change the human heart. God has spoken truly to every issue of human nature and to the problems of living. The Word of God possesses the exclusive objective framework from which soul-problems can be properly interpreted and resolved. God’s Word refreshes life, grants depth of insight, renders joy to the heart, opens the eyes of understanding, and will never be outdated.   

Disciples Making Disciples

Counseling is a part of the basic “making disciples” ministry of the local church. God’s people can be and should be trained to counsel effectively. Counseling that employs and applies God’s Word is a necessary duty of Christian life and fellowship. However, most of us have been conditioned to think of counseling as something best left to trained experts in psychotherapy. This have left many with the feeling that God’s Word is incomplete, insufficient, unsophisticated, and unable to offer help for people’s deeper emotional and spiritual problems. Scripture is superior to human wisdom (1 Cor. 3:19). The Word of God is a more effective discerner of the human heart than any worldly means (Heb. 4:12). The Spirit of God is the only effective agent of recovery and regeneration (Eph. 5:18-19). All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ Himself (Col. 2:3). 

All Counseling and Mental Health Services Provided By: Overcome/Teague & Associates

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